Saturday, September 19, 2009

I finished another day of working on the medallions for the coronets. Today I started putting the color on. Black for the whales and green for the leaves. The first picture is of the medallion with a coat of glass particles on it. there is white covering everything except the whale. In the second picture you can see the same medallion after it has been fired. If you look really closely you can see some spots of white that have bubbled up from underneath in the whale. that should get covered by subsequent layers of glass.
In the next two pictures you can see the green going into the leaves. At this point you are seeing the medallion after we had spent a fair amount of time with a tiny paint brush getting all the green out of the white. To get the glass onto the medallion I put a couple drops of water on the surface of the piece and then floated clumps of damp glass particles into the water. It spreads our quite nicely, but sometimes it slops over the walls of the wires. then the small amount of glass particles have to be removed. I have to go back and put one more layer of colored glass. Then we will grind the surface and put a couple layers of clear glass on top of the while thing. So far I am pleased with the way things are going.

1 comment:

Racaire said...

that's cool :)