Saturday, January 9, 2010

Smock Lace

This is just going to be a quick update. I have finished the forth piece of lace for the Elizabethan Smock. Four down, fifteen left to go. This is going to take a long time. The other problem is that the pictured smock both have one a couple patterns of lace in all the pieces inset into the bodice. I really don't want to make the same pattern over and over again, so I am going to introduce a couple other patterns. I believe I will make all the pieces for the sleeves with the same pattern. The two pieces on the outside will be around the cuffs, and the ones on the inside are placed along side the front opening. Next I want to start on the main pieces in the sleeves. There are six strips of lace on the sleeves. One long piece running down the top of the arm and smaller pieces on the front and back. At this point I plan on making the sleeves inserts all the same pattern, but they are also the longest. I may become bored with one pattern all that time, and make the smaller pieces something else. We will see how it goes.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

I am in the midst of making an Elizabethan smock. Just wondering if you are going to pleat your lace or leave it single?

See my lace effort:

I am making enough to pleat around the cuffs and collar. I've done most of my blackwork for the cuff and collar bands.

It will be interesting to see what yours will look like. Perhaps we can share photos along the way.