Sunday, February 25, 2018

The garlic is up

It might not look like much yet, but I consider this a win. My son is a professional farmer. He plants the field right next to the plot I use as a garden. This year he planted that field in garlic. The day after he and his crew were done planting I was walking over to the greenhouse when I crossed over the area they had been separating the garlic cloves to plant. In among the papery outer covering there were a few cloves that had been dropped or were considered to small to worry about. In the true manner of a medieval style gleaning, I picked up the abandoned cloves and planted them myself. There had been a freeze overnight so the cloves had gotten very cold, and I was afraid they had been frozen and killed. Therefore when I saw some of them coming up, I was thrilled. The fact that they are coming up in February is another matter. I am sure we will have an end to the unseasonable warmth any day, and the tops will die off again. Hopefully, some of them will live to grow up though.

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