Saturday, December 24, 2011

gold thread embroidery sampler

I have been taking an online class on gold thread embroidery for the last couple years. Tonight I have finished the sampler that was the main part of the class. I will admit the class ended a few months ago, but I am pretty happy with getting it done this quickly.

There are about 26 different gold thread patterns in the sampler. The colored parts are mostly done in queen stitch.

I also finished another piece of lace for the Elizabethan smock. I have been on a kick for finishing up projects the last couple of weeks. Sometimes I get slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of unfinished projects I have kicking around. There are so many other projects that I want to start, but I feel that I need to finish some once in a while. I am likely to start a project on the spur of the moment. I also am not afraid to start projects that I expect to take years to finish. So many people these days want something they can finish in one weekend. While that kind of project can be satisfying in a way, I really get a charge out of finishing something that has taken me months or years to complete.

Anyway to get back to the current state. The latest piece of lace is from Onder le Loep. I especially liked it because the pattern is very reminiscent of the kind used in the original smock.

So now I have to decide how close to finished I am. I could either do 3 more pieces like this one and then call the lace done, and start assembly, or I could do those 3 pieces and 3 more complex. The real question is how close to the original do I want to get. The collar of the 16th C smock is much more ornate than the lace I have made for it. My orginal plan was to make another piece and attach it to the points I alreay made. But... I will admit to getting a little tired of this project. I am getting to the point where I really want to be done with it. Adding those 3 more complex pieces with probably add another year to the project. I am going to make a small trial piece to see how difficult the new pieces would be. The have tallies in them. Up to this point I have been avoiding tallies. I have heard that they are the real test of a lace maker, and that makes me apprehensive. I will try the sample and then make a decision. This is piece number 34 for the A&S challenge.

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